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Advertisement date December 19, 2023 @ 9:50 a.m. through bid opening date

Granite Construction Company (Granite) an Equal Opportunity Employer is requesting sub-bids from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DBE firms performing a commercially useful function for referenced project:

Agency: Caltrans
Contract No. 05-1C9504
General work description: Cold plane AC Pvmt, RHMA, lighting systems, and replace bridges.

* Bids Open February 1, 2024 @ 2PM

Engineer’s Estimate: $47M

DBE Goal: 22%

Granite Construction Company (Granite) is requesting quotes from qualified Subcontractors and Suppliers including Certified DBE firms for the following items of work, including but not limited to: Lead Compliance Plan, Cpm Schedule (Level 2), Tro , Drb On-Site Meeting, Hrly Off-Site Drb Tasks, Const Area Signs, Traffic Cntrl Sys, Traffic Cntrl Supervisor, Statnary Impact Attenutr Veh, Flashing Arrow Sign, Typ Iii Barricade, Temp Pavt Marking (Paint) , Temp Stripe (Paint) , Channelizer (Surf Mntd) , Portable Rsfs Sys Day, Temp Pavt Mrkr, Temp Barr Sys, Temp Ped Access Route, Portable Cms , Temp Auto Eoq Warng Sys (Typ 1)  Day, Eoq Monitr/Warng W/ Trk Mntd Cms Day, Alt Temp Crash Cush Tl-3, Alt Temp Crash Cush Tl-2, Temp Rsfs Sys, Job Site Mgmt, Swppp, Rain Event Action Plan, Storm H20 Sample/Analysis Day, Storm H20 Annual Rept, Move In/Out (Temp E.C.) , Temp Hydraulic Mulch (Bfm) , Temp Check Dam, Temp Inlet Protection, Temp Fiber Roll, Temp Gravel Bag Berm, Temp Large Sediment Barr, Temp Const Entrance, Temp Const Roadway, Street Sweeping, Temp Conc Washout, H20 Quality Sample/Analysis Dy, H20 Quality Monitor Rept, Temp Creek Diversion Syss, Asbestos Compliance Plan, Treated Wood Waste, Bat/Bird Excl Devices, Rem Conc , Temp High-Visibility Fence, Temp High-Visibility Flaggng Pole, Clearing And Grubbing , Roadway Ex, (F) Struc Ex (Brdg) , (F) Struc B/Fill (Brdg) , Roadside Clearing, Prune Exist Plants, Plant (Group H) , Move In/Out (Erosn Cntrl) , Dry Seed (Sqft) , Drill Seed (Acre) , Fiber Reinforced Matrix , Hydromulch, Fiber Rolls, Hydroseed, Compost , Incorporate Materials, Cl 2 Agg Base , Lcb, Hma (Type A) , Minor Hma, Rhma-Open Graded (Ogfc) , Place Hma Dike (Type A) , Place Hma Dike (Type E) , Place Hma Dike (Type F) , Place Hma (Misc Area) , Tack, Rem Ac Pavt , Rem Ac Ditch, Rem Ac Dike, Cold Plane Ac Pavt, Rem Base And Surfacing, Furn 16" Steel Pipe Pile, Drive 16" Steel Pipe Pile, Prestress Cip Conc, (F) Struct Conc, Brdg Ftng, (F) Struct Conc, Brdg, (F) Struct Conc, Brdg (Fiber) , (F) Struct Conc, Appr Slab (Typ N) , (F) Minor Conc (Minor Struc) , (F) Conc Surf Textre (Stckd Stone) , Drill And Bond Dowel, Ptfe Spherical Bearing, Joint Seal Assmbly (Mr 4") , (F) Resteel (Brdg, Epoxy Cted) , (F) Resteel (Brdg, S.S.) , (F) Headed Resteel (Epoxy Cted) , Brdg Remvl, Brdg Remvl (Portion) , (F) Conc B/Fill (Pipe Trench) , 18" Csp (.079" Thick) , 24" Wsp Casing (Brdg) , Inlet Deprssn, Rem Culvert , Adjust Inlet, Adjust Pipe Inlet To Grade, Engineered Streambed Matl, Rock Bands, Conc (Ditch Lining) , Fish Passage Survey, Void Filler, Grouted Rsp (150#,Cl Iii,Meth A)  , Engineered Bankline Matl, Cntrctr-Suppl Onsite Hydraulic Engr, Struct Rock, Minor Conc (Curb) , Rem Concd-Rsp, Detectable Warning Surf, Minor Conc (Walk) , Minor Conc (Seeded Agg Conc) , Minor Conc (Curb/Walk/Ramp) , Pre/Post Const Surveys, Survey Mon (Type A) , Stain Galv Surfaces, Temp Fence (Typ Bw) , C/L Fence (Typ Cl-6) , C/L Fence Enclosure, Rem Fence (Type Wm) , Rem C/L Fence, Reset Gate, Rem Pavt Mrkr, Delineator (Cl 1) , Guard Railing Delineator, Pavt Mrkr (Retrorefl) , Mrkr (Culvert) , Object Mrkr (Tyep K-1) , Object Mrkr (Type L-1) , Rem Sign, Rem Post Sleeve, Rel Sign, Furn Lmnted Panel Sign (1"-Typ B) , Furn Sngl Alum Sign (0.063"-Unfrmd) , Furn Sngl Alum Sign (0.080"-Unfrmd) , Furn Sngl Alum Sign (0.080"-Framed) , Sign- One Post, Post Sleeve, Sign- Two Post, Install Sign (Strap/Saddle) , Install Sign Panel On Exist Post, Install Sign (Lmnted Wood Box Post) , Furn Lmnted Wood Box Post (Typ M) , Mwgr Sys (Stl Pst) , (F) Pipe Handrailing, (F) Tubular Bicycle Railing (Mod) , (F) Tubular Bicycle Railing, Dbl Mwgr Sys (Stl Pst) , Trans Railing (Typ Wb-31) , Rail Tensioning Assmbly, End Anchr Assmbly (Typ Sft-M) , Alt Crash Cush Tl-2, Alt In-Line Term Tl-3, Alt In-Line Term Tl-2, Max-Tension Median Term Sys, (F) California St-75 Brdg Rail, Rem Guardrail, Thermo Pavt Marking (Ewnv) , 6" Thermo Stripe (Ewnv)  (Brkn 17-7) , 6" Thermo Stripe (Ewnv)  (Brkn 36-12) , 6" Thermo Stripe (Ewnv) , 12" Thermo Stripe (Ewnv) , Rem Thermo Stripe, 12" Rumble Strip (Ac Pavt) , Xwalk And Pavt Marng Tape W/ Contrast, 6" Stripe Tape W/ Contrast (Warranty) , 6" Stripe Tape W/ Contrast (Warranty)  (Brkn 36-12) , Temp Lighting Sys, Moding Lighting Sys, C0649 Pilings Supplier, C0657 Lumber Supplier, C0670 Pipe Supplier, C0672 Storm Water Systems Supplier, C0900 Bridge Deck Materials Suppliers, C1200 Construction Area Signs, C1201 Traffic Control System, C1211 Traffic Flaggers, C1290 Temporary Railing (Type K), C1531 Plane Asphalt Concrete, C1575 Remove Bridge Item, C1601 Clearing & Grubbing, C1901 Roadway Excavation, C1920 Structure Excavation, C1930 Structure Backfill, C2000 Highway Planting, C2021 Hydroseeding, C2030 Erosion Control, C2066 Temporary Erosion Control, C2602 Aggregate Base, C3000 Concrete Pumping, C3901 Asphalt Concrete, C3910 Paving Asphalt (Asphalt Concrete), C3940 Place Asphalt Concrete Dike & Misc, C4201 Groove & Grind Pavement, C4901 Furnish & Drive Piling, C5000 Prestressing Concrete Cast-In-Place, C5100 Concrete Structure, C5105 Minor Concrete Structure, C5110 Concrete Surface Finish, C5190 Joint Seal - Water Stop, C5201 Reinforcing Steel, C5301 Air-Blown Mortar, C5620 Roadside Sign, C5701 Lumber & Timber, C6650 Corrugated Metal Pipe (Csp), C7006 Corrugated Steel Pipe Inlet & Riser, C7035 Welded Steel Pipe, C7200 Rock Slope Protection, C7500 Misc Iron & Steel Frame, Cover & Grate, C7602 Saw Cutting, C8000 Fencing, C8001 Temporary Fencing, C8201 Object Marker, C8320 Metal Beam Guard Railing, C8330 Metal Railing, C8331 Concrete Barrier, C8396 Crash Cushion, C8405 Thermoplastic Traffic Striping & Marking, C8406 Painted Traffic Striping & Marking, C8407 Remove Pavement Marking & Traffic Stripes, C8501 Pavement Marker, C8604 Lighting, C8612 Pavement Profiling, C8713 Consultant, Environmental, C9601 Super Dump Truck 4-Axle, C9602 Bottom Dump Trucking, C9603 Transfer Dump Truck, C9604 Super 10 Dump Truck, C9605 Flat Bed Trucking, C9606 Water Truck, C9607 End Dump Truck, C9608 Asphalt Oil Tankers, C9609 Street Sweeping Truck, C9774 Trucker

Included but not limited to items of work normally performed by Granite. Quotations will be broken down into comparable packages as reasonably necessary. Granite will work with interested DBE subcontractors to identify opportunities to break down items into economically feasible packages

Requirements: Granite Construction Company (Granite) is signatory to Operating Engineers, Laborers, Teamsters, Cement Masons and Carpenters unions. 100% performance and payment bonds required for the full amount of subcontract price. Bonding assistance is available. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance and workers compensation coverage meeting Granite’s requirements and will be required to sign the standard Granite Subcontract Agreement. All quotes are subject to the terms of Granite Construction Company’s applicable standard form agreement which is available through the following link: https://www.graniteconstruction.com/ca-resources/quote-solicitation A copy of the insurance requirements and agreement can be obtained by contacting the estimator. For any bid proposal submitted on or after March 1, 2015 and any contract for public work entered into on or after April 1, 2015, the following registration requirements apply: Every Subcontractor is required to be registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the Public Contract Code (Section 1725.5). No Contractor or Subcontractor shall be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal pursuant to Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, unless currently registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5. No bid shall be accepted nor any subcontract entered into without proof of the Subcontractor’s current registration to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5


Plans and specifications are available for viewing at our office located at: 5335 Debbie Lane Santa Barbara , CA 93111 and also included in our SMARTBID solicitation.

Granite Construction Company
P.O. Box 6744 Santa Barbara , California 93160
Phone (805)964-9951 Fax (805) 967-1431

Granite estimating team will be hosting an online Q&A session for DBE firms interested in bidding the referenced project. The date and time are forthcoming. Please contact Dianne.carlisle@gcinc.com if you are interested in attending and you will be added to the invitation.

Granite Construction Company
P.O. Box 6744 Santa Barbara
California, 93160
Phone (805)964-9951 Fax (805) 967-1431

Published by Contractor’s Estimate, Inc.
Located at http://www.contractorsestimate.com

This advertisement will run through the bid date.


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